Diesel storage tanks from 720 to 5,000 liters volume

Stocking up on diesel for your own farm can speed up internal farm processes and make them more efficient in the long run. The flexible supply through your own stocks saves time and thus also costs - in addition, diesel fuel can be procured in larger quantities with foresight when prices are low. Therefore, also use the fluctuations in the price of diesel to reduce your operating costs.
Progressive farms definitely need an absolutely secure supply of sufficient diesel fuel, also for mobile fuelling of heavy tractors and machinery. Particularly during harvest time, own refuelling is a decisive factor for more flexibility and optimal time management. And for many smaller farms, having their own farm filling station is also a great advantage in practice, so that they do not lose any time due to quick refuelling from their own storage.
Which material is recommended for diesel tanks in agriculture?
The conventional and often still found solution is steel tanks. They are considered dimensionally stable and safe even for flammable liquids and liquids that endanger groundwater, such as diesel. In addition, steel tanks can of course be attacked by corrosion. They must therefore be checked regularly for rust spots to prevent leaks.
When modernising or expanding tank capacities for diesel fuel, plastic tanks are also a very practical solution today. Today, they are UV-stable and very durable, as they cannot corrode. Damage to the tank or contamination of the fuel by rust is therefore impossible.