Special nozzle from the manufacturer Lechler with asymmetrical spraying angle of 90°. Nozzle made from stainless steel. Pressure range from 1,5 up to 5 bar. Powersizes OC from 2 up to 30. Dripping spectrum fine up to middle. Scope of application: At the lrverage end for a edged spraying and fitting of the working width. Weed killer band treatment in the fruit- and winegrowing. Weed killer under-leaf spraying in row cultures. Key width 8 mm.
Lechler GmbH
Ulmer Straße 128
72555 Metzingen
E-Mail: info@lechler.de
Tel.: +49 71239620
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registernummer: HRB 361314
Patrick Muff
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz
DE 147325826
Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 139c Abgabenordnung
DE 315718825