The 3rd Generation by the manufacturer Lechler nozzles - more efficient - even more reliable - yet flexible
The flat jet air injector ID3 with a spray angle of 120° and an extremely low drift application in the entire pressure range. Through the air suction nozzle of a bubble-like droplet formation is achieved with a significantly improved base structure is made possible. Therefore, it is specially recommended for the application of growth regulators and pesticides, as well as for liquid fertilizer (UAN, pressure range 2-4 bar). The transfer of the JKI-loss-reducing recognition of ID on ID3 is issued, ie, which are approved 90/75/50% of the class sizes 025 to 06. This new nozzle ID3 is combined with the IS-end nozzle (same size) for sharp-edged application. It is suitable for systems with a bayonet nut wrench size 10 mm, nut ø 12.6 mm, and is supplied without cap and seal. Spray table see data sheet as PDF in download.
Attention ! The technical pressure range for ID3 120-01 and ID3 120-015 is between 3 and 8 bar. A pressure range below 3 bar is not recommended for this nozzle sizes.
Advantages of the new ID3 nozzle Lechler:
- More robust design of the nozzle housing by sophisticated design
- Injector with a flat panel, simply wipe for cleaning protection
- Enhanced pressure range of 2 to 8 bar
- Injector construction ensures long - drift stability
- Proven POM nozzle material used for appropriate conditions
- Low risk of clogging due to large free flow cross-sections
- Low wear
- High biological effectiveness due to very good scale structure and existing penetration

G 1965, G 1966, G 1968, G 1969, G 1970, G 1971, G 1972, G 1973, G 1974, G 2088
Lechler GmbH
Ulmer Straße 128
72555 Metzingen
E-Mail: info@lechler.de
Tel.: +49 71239620
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registernummer: HRB 361314
Patrick Muff
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz
DE 147325826
Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 139c Abgabenordnung
DE 315718825