Lechler Injectionnozzle IDKT

Double flat spray injector nozzle Lechler IDKT in plastic and ceramic
Double flat spray injector nozzle Lechler IDKT in plastic and KeramikNachdem there have been reports of farmers was , was where complaints about bare patches at higher operating speeds or when the onions shallots were not fully wetted with pesticides, Lechler made to the development of IDKT 05 and 04 This injector was initially only available in ceramic and has been developed on the proven principle of the injector technology . This has ensured that this nozzle not only reduces drift could be used as an injector with 90 % drift reduction , but the wetting of the culture was now held by front and rear. Thus, the problems in the ear treatment and wetting were dissolved in strong leaf cultures. At the same time it turned out that in agriculture significantly higher speeds could be used without loss of wetting with the sprayer nozzle with this technique . We offer the Lechlter IDKT in sizes