SAFI Plastic valves for agriculture and industry
Why a plastic valve ?
SAFI is a specialist in the industrial plastic valves. Complementary to the metallic version, the plastic valve has many advantages that make it the first choice on many different applications. Its benefits are multiple...
A product of the chemical industry, the main quality of thermoplastics is their excellent resistance to corrosion. Whether a solvent, an acid-base reaction or a redox, the classic thermoplastics in valves have a much superior resistance than metals, including stainless steels.
Below are some examples of chemical products that are classically used in our valves :
- Sulfuric Acid (concentrated from 0 to 98%)
- Hydrochloric Acid (concentrated from 0% to saturation)
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach)
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